30 Days of Wisdom. Fools.
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Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you;
Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.
Solomon. Proverbs 9:8. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 8 of 30 Days of Wisdom. Have you ever poured your heart out to someone in an effort to spare them from making a terrible decision—only to be laughed off—or worse, attacked? Here’s the good news of Solomon: you’re under no obligation to try and help someone who simply doesn’t want it. Don’t waste yourself trying to help a person who will just blow you off. Pour yourself into those who are open, willing to learn. No, don’t stop loving those who are simply determined to do their own thing, but love them wisely. Pray for that wisdom. Pray for courage to do the right thing. Remember, when a wise person receives your correction, they will love you for it. And that feels really, really good. So, don’t quit caring, sharing—just do it with discretion.