30 Days of Wisdom. Words.
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A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
Solomon. Proverbs 15:1. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 14 of 30 Days of Wisdom. Words have power. How are you using your words? One thoughtless comment, careless response, heated retort, angry text, or passionate social media post can light a fire that will never go out. Our little tongue is dynamite—in fact, the Biblical writer James, devoted an entire section of his letter to the power of words. I’ve been reflecting on this power myself—they can move the world. A mere handful of them have turned the course of nations on numerous occasions. Use them wisely. Speak kindly. Don’t post jabs and thrusts. Don’t stir the fire. Don’t ‘win’ the argument and lose your marriage. Make your comebacks gentle, kind, winning. Let goodness have the day—instead lighting a firestorm of rage.