Episode 9

Published on:

9th Aug 2024

30 Days on the Mount of Blessing, pt 3. Like a child.

For more inspiration, visit Loveshaped.Life.


Matthew 18:3–4 (NKJV): Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus. Matthew 18:3, 4. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 9 of 30 Days on the Mount of Blessing, pt 3–and other sayings of Jesus.

In case you were paying attention, we’re clean out of the Sermon on the Mount. We’ve jumped all the way to Matthew 18. But we’re still talking about the kingdom and how to get in. In this case, Jesus points to the humility, simplicity of a child as essential attributes for any kingdom participant. Think of a child’s trusting faith—Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, monsters under the bed. I don’t mean to belittle Christian faith as though it were some fairytale, yet think of it, we adults can let our ‘grown up minds’ rob us of the simple privilege of trusting in Jesus. We get all wrapped up in our selves and our ideas—so identified with them—that we fail to let them go in the face greater truth—stuff that’s way bigger than a child’s fantasy. And we miss out. Every time.

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30 Days with Nathan
Pithy, inspirational moments. Daily.
Short, themed reflections anchored in the words of the ancient prophets. These brief moments will lift your spirit and challenge your thinking. Every. Day. Go deeper at loveshaped.life.

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Nathan Stearman