30 Days Reflecting on the Kingdom. Always good.
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Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;
A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
David. Psalm 45:6. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 23 of 30 Days Reflecting on the Kingdom. A scepter of righteousness. Whatever we might imagine that to mean, God removes any doubt: “God is love.” This is the place from which he governs the universe. Righteousness means operating in a way that is faithful to love all others at any and all costs to himself. That’s who and how God is. This is the way he holds the scepter in our universe. There is not a moment where an alternate way of doing things even occurs as an option to him. He is good, by definition, and to operate in a way contrary to that doesn’t even get a moments consideration. Loving well is simply his knee-jerk reaction. Always.