30 Days Reflecting on the Kingdom. Citizenship.
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For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul. Philippians 3:20. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 8 of 30 Days Reflecting on the Kingdom. Can I be candid with you? I’ve been wondering quite a lot lately, if some of the folks who’ve declared allegiance to Jesus have forgotten their primary citizenship isn’t here—anywhere. Not in Brazil or Russia. Or right here in the United States of America. Yes, I have a passport—and you might, too. It allows for international travel, indicates national identity. But that identity is a superficial identity. It is not our fundamental identity. We are not essentially Americans. Believers have an entirely unique, essential identity: members of the Jesus movement. No follower of Jesus rises and falls based on their national identity—or favored political party. Nor do they hate, belittle or otherwise dismiss those of another nationality or political party—because their identity isn’t ultimately tied up with those nations or parties. It’s tied up with Jesus.