Encore | 30 Days to a Better Marriage. No shame.
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And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Moses. Genesis 2:25. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 17 of 30 Days to a Better Marriage.
Innocence guards against shame. As long as Adam and Eve were innocent—they had no shame. Such remains true today. When we begin to deliberately mislead our spouse—or secretly make decisions we know they would not approve—we expose our marriage to the devastating power of shame, of hiding, of fear, of suspicion. This becomes increasingly true if what we’re hiding are inappropriate relationships with another person or persons—or if we’re exposing ourselves to media, such as pornography, that fuels sexual or relational fantasy. When we betray our spouse through secret, inappropriate actions or thoughts, we unleash the destructive power of shame into our marriage. Stop. Get help. Restore the innocence. You will BOTH be grateful.