30 Days of Psalms, pt 1. Gentle hands.
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But You, O Lord, are a shield for me,
My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
The Psalmist, Psalm 3:3. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 5 of 30 Days of Psalms. Are you discouraged today? Perhaps in this very moment your heart is about to break, maybe tears are streaming down your face—or perhaps you’ve been awake all night, unable to hold back the tears, or find solace in your pain. The Psalmist knew that pain. He knew, too, a God who tenderly uplifts the human heart. Being a God-follower, as any of the Biblical writers would tell you, is no secret to an easy life. It is however, the secret to living with hope / peace, in the middle of the pain. God himself lifts the face of the hurting, and looks into their eyes, saying with a voice moved with compassion: My child, I’m carrying you. My heart throbs with your pain, and my strong arm is at work for your deliverance and healing. We will get through this, you and me.