30 Days on the Mount of Blessing, pt 3. Stuff.
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Matthew 10:8 (NKJV): Freely you have received, freely give.
Jesus. Matthew 10:8. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 22 of 30 Days on the Mount of Blessing, pt 3–and other sayings of Jesus.
This one still gets me, cause I’m a hoarder. A mild hoarder by most any definition—but a hoarder, none-the-less. I mean, I like my stuff. I take good care of my smart phone—screen protector, sturdy case, and a good dose of nagging if the kids don’t treat it quite right. Yes, I can hear you—I KNOW it’s a phone. Yes, I KNOW it will be outdated soon. Yes, I KNOW my kids matter more than my phone—or whatever thing, or activity as it might be. But this stuff FEELS so valuable. And that’s just it—my feeling system—and all the rest of my inner-wiring—is mixed up. Everything I have—no matter how hard it feels like I’ve worked for it—is a gift. Really. It isn’t meant for me to amass and obsess over, but to turn into freely-given blessing for others. Does it mean I’m careless, nah, but it does mean I see things differently. It does mean I focus on giving life away, not holding it close. It means I live to give, not to hang on to.